Contributing to
Climate Change Mitigation

Bamboo in Jamaica
Bamboo growing in Jamaica is the Bambusa vulgaris and was classified by the Department of Forestry as an evasive species.
It is estimated to be 67 thousand hectares across the island. Studies conducted on this species indicate that 1 hectare can sequester up to 75 tons per hectare over 5 years.
The Bambusa vulgaris or “Common Bamboo” sequesters 55 tons per hectare of CO2 from stocks and leaves and 20 tons in the culm. Common Bamboo first planted, reaches maturity in 6-7 years and after harvesting reaches maturity in subsequent years in 2-3 years.
Jamaica Sequestration Potential
Using the bamboo sequestration formula with the Jamaican bamboo volumes, we get the following estimates:
Potential annual CO2 sequestered volume = 737,000 mt/yr
Assuming only 50% accessible for harvest = 368,500 mt/yr
Potential total volume sequestered by 2030 = 442,200 mt
Potential total volume sequestered by 2050 = 1.9M mt