Empowering the Agricultural Sector

Since 1895

ECO Parks Development Corp | Jamaica Agriculture Society

Jamaica Agricultural Society

A pivotal partner with The ECO Parks Project

The Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), as a pivotal partner, is poised to support the fight against climate change and the implementation of regenerative agriculture. With its extensive network and expertise of over 80,000 members, the JAS is well-equipped to promote sustainable farming practices and mitigate environmental challenges.

The collaboration with The ECO Parks Project aligns with the JAS’s commitment to combating climate change by emphasizing eco-friendly agricultural methods. The ECO Parks Project’s focus on sustainable farming and its contribution to reducing the ecological footprint of agriculture resonates with the JAS’s efforts.

Through this partnership, the JAS can further its mission of fostering domestic agricultural production while addressing climate change’s impact. By leveraging these combined efforts, the JAS, and The ECO Parks Project aim to make significant strides in promoting sustainable agriculture and mitigating the effects of climate change on Jamaica’s agricultural sector.