Right People

Right Experience

Our ECO Parks Project Team

Lenworth Fulton is an agriculturalist extraordinaire who has been serving Jamaican farmers for over 30 years in various capacities, including CEO of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) for the Ministry of Agriculture; Executive Director of Jamaica 4-H Clubs; Programme Specialist for USAID and Managing Director for COA Jamaica Foundation and Spring Garden Farms.

Lenworth Fulton

President & CEO, Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS)

Dr. Morgan joined the ECO Parks Project as a Scientific Advisor after a distinguished career with over 25 years of experience as the former Principal Research Director of Jamaica’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining. Lisa holds a Master of Botany/Plant Virology from the University of the West Indies and a Doctor of Plant Medicine from the University of Florida. She is certified in Agricultural Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dr. Lisa Myers Morgan, DPM

FARM Research and Policy Consulting

Dr. Mitchell has over 32 years of experience in plant cloning and Biotechnology commercialization. In the last few years she has become Jamaica’s resident specialist on bamboo and biochar. She is a board member of the Bamboo Industry Association of Jamaica and Chair of the Jamaican Bamboo Standards Committee, She has over seven years at the Scientific Research Council. Dr. Mitchell supervises PhD research students in biotechnologies related to plant propagation, medicine, and nutraceuticals. Her research includes the development of medicinal plant monographs, in vitro physiology, on-farm research, plant tissue culture (somatic embryogenesis and micropropagation) protocol development, soil ameliorants (biochar) and product commercialization.

Dr. Sylvia Mitchell

Head Lecturer of Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Research Group, University of the West Indies

Mark has over 40 years of international management experience in information technology and natural resource industries. He has held senior executive positions with IBM and Unisys Corporation. In the last 15 years, he has been a management consultant in Agriculture, Pulp and Paper and supply Chain Management. His expertise is in economic business models and project management that focus on replacing old polluting industry technologies with new green technologies that mitigate climate change and reduce environmental impacts. His projects have taken him to China, Korea, Indonesia, the Caribbean, and Africa.

Mark Nash, BComm

Executive Project Director , ECO Parks

Mario received his MSc from the University of Munich, Germany. He specializes in Land Management for Urban and Rural Development, neighbouring nature reserves and natural growing areas that will be used for wild plant harvesting and eco-tourism. He is General Manager of his family’s Bamboo Plantation where they grow five species of Bamboo.

Mario Salan, Eng. MSc, MBA

Environmental Engineer, Vibira

Kevin is an Agronomist and farmer in the Trelawny Parish. Kevin has over 450 acres and manages the Jamaican Corrections Food Supply Garden. Kevin has been a lecturer at the local agriculture college and has been growing yams and Hot Peppers on his farm and plans to convert his crops from using synthetic fertilizers to organic with biochar in an ECO Park.

Kevin Buchanan, BAgrSc

Preben has over 40 years of experience in large-scale project management, as an author, auditor and management consultant with KPMG, KPMG Consulting, Bearing Point, and PwC. Preben has experience in natural resource management and cooperatives in Canada, Mexico, and Norway.

Preben Ormen, MBA

Phoebe has undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Human Physiology, and a diploma and Masters in Aquaculture. She taught basic adult education for 15 years and designed and taught a 10 month Aquaculture program at a BC college. She was Fish Health Biologist for a BC fish food company and later managed a salmon farm. Phoebe will direct aquaculture, water quality and testing, rleated training programs and the development of the nature trails in the nature reserves.

Phoebe Bradbury, BA, BSc. MAq

Aquaculture and Adult Education